Fotografin weiblich
Kiuic / Lost places  Fotografie von Fotografin Sandra Herber ★4 | STRKNG

Kiuic - © Sandra Herber

Storm Clouds I / Natur  Fotografie von Fotografin Sandra Herber ★4 | STRKNG

Storm Clouds I - © Sandra Herber

Xpuhil II / Lost places  Fotografie von Fotografin Sandra Herber ★4 | STRKNG

Xpuhil II - © Sandra Herber

Calakmul Stela / Lost places  Fotografie von Fotografin Sandra Herber ★4 | STRKNG

Calakmul Stela - © Sandra Herber

Balché II / Lost places  Fotografie von Fotografin Sandra Herber ★4 | STRKNG

Balché II - © Sandra Herber

Xpuhil II from Below / Lost places  Fotografie von Fotografin Sandra Herber ★4 | STRKNG

Xpuhil II from Below - © Sandra Herber


Sandra Herber is a librarian in Toronto, Canada but she spends all her free time and holidays photographing across Canada and around the world. She was born in South Africa, and has lived in Canada, the U.S., the U.K. and Malaysia. Her love of photography started in her teens when her mother gave her an old Pentax Spotmatic and her parents allowed her to set up a black and white darkroom in the basement where she printed a lot of not-very- great images. Now she particularly enjoys photographing remnants of the past - from old, wooden grain elevators on the Canadian Prairies to Mayan ruins in Mexico. She uses both infrared and long exposure photography to evoke the awe she feels while standing before these beautiful, ruined and decaying sites.

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